Want to run for office and don’t know where to get started? Have you identified which office you’re interested in running for? Do you know how you get on the ballot, raise money, get volunteers, tell your story?

Here’s some resources to help get you started! 

Information about the filing deadlines and other important dates are on this website: 
Texas Secretary of State Elections Information 

Learn more about the Qualifications for Office

Forms and Additional Information for Filing

 Find out the differences between filing at TDP vs HCDP

  • If you are running for an office situated in only one county, you file to run for office with your local county Democratic County Chair. (see the listing on this website).

  • If you are running for an office covering more than one county, such as a statewide office, U.S. Congress and many state legislative seats, you should file by mail or in person with the Texas Democratic Party

Filing Forms:

Information to get your campaign treasurer filed and all campaign finance rules, forms and dates:


Additional Resources

Get to know the HCDP Clubs/Orgs.

The Texas Democratic Party has tons of resources for candidates and if you plan to purchase VAN (Voter Activation Network) you will need to contact them. 


Organizations That Offer Candidate Training 

For any questions email HarrisDemocrats@HarrisDemocats.com or call our office at 713-802-0085.