Tue, 02/14/2023 - 17:25

HCDP Chair Announces Intent to Step Down

For those who may have missed it, HCDP Chair Odus Evbagharu has announced his intent to step down at 11:59 PM on February 28. 

“I treasure the work we were able to accomplish during the last two years.” Evbagharu said.

Under Evbagharu’s leadership, HCDP raised more than $2.1 million and created new programs dedicated to voter outreach and volunteer recruitment.

You can read the full release here.

Next steps…

A CEC meeting will be held on March 19 to elect a new chair. Precinct chairs must attend in person in order to vote for the new Chair. More information about meeting details will be provided soon.


Run for HCDP Chair


Are you interested in running to be the chair of the Harris County Democratic Party?

Applications are now open to prospective candidates. 

You can find the application and more information about running for HCDP chair here.


Sign Up for the 2023 Leadership Academy


Become an organizer in your community!

Apply for the 2023 HCDP Leadership Academy from March 27 - May 5. Participants will learn essential skills for community organization and campaign work.

Learn more and find the application here.


It's Always a Great Time to Volunteer with HCDP!

The weather is about to get pretty great. We’ll soon be hitting that sweet spot before the hot Texas Summer and just in time to start getting ready for the next cycle. Why not enjoy the day by volunteering with HCDP?

You can always learn about all of HCDP’s volunteer opportunities, as well as meeting information for Harris County’s Democratic Clubs and Organizations here


If you are already an activist in the community and looking for ways to make an even larger impact, consider applying to become a Democratic precinct chair. Precinct chairs organize their precinct and help activate their friends and neighbors to make real changes within the community. They are the backbone of the party and becoming a precinct chair is a great way to get even more involved with the party. 

Look over the requirements and apply to become a precinct chair here


Precinct Chair Corner

Attention precinct chairs! 

The March 19th CEC will be held in person where precinct chairs will vote for a new Chair. More information about the meeting will be provided soon. 

Van Tip - When logging on, do not forget to mark the box “Remember this device for 30 days”.  This will reduce the sign on process by one step the next time you sign on.  


Remind your seniors to sign up for vote by mail ballots. The county can no longer send out applications automatically so they must download the application from HarrisVotes.com and mail it back.  Alternatively, the form can be scanned and emailed to vbm@HarrisVotes.com.  For more information call the Election office at 713-755-6965. 

Find more information on mail ballots in Harris County here


Help Support HCDP Through Our Membership Program

Work by the Harris County Democratic Party is supported through our membership program

Friend of HCDP - $10 a month
Ally of HCDP - $15 a month
Activist of HCDP - $30 a month
Advocate of HCDP - $60 a month
Champion of HCDP - $125 a month

Sustaining members who donate a regular monthly or annual amount allow us to underwrite our day-to-day operations. This is how we pay our staff. This is how we support Democratic candidates. This is how we fund our voter outreach.

This is how we help elect more Democrats to office.


Thank You for Coming to the February Fundraiser!

We had a great time at the HCDP February Fundraiser last Tuesday. 2023 and 2024 will be big for Harris County and it was wonderful to see Democrats already fired up for what’s next!

Thank you so much to all of our amazing speakers and guests.


Progress never stops,