Thu, 03/02/2023 - 20:36


Help Mattress Mack Save Democracy

In an effort to further sow distrust in our election process after all of his election season investments failed, Gallery Furniture owner, Mattress Mack, has launched a website called where folks can submit stories about difficulties they had voting in the 2022 election. 

Despite his faulty motivation, we at HCDP couldn’t agree more that voting was made harder last year.

Tricks by GOP legislators and republican-engineered anti-voting bills like SB1 have greatly impacted the ability of Harris County residents to take part in the electoral process by attacking mail ballots, allowing partisan poll-watchers to intimidate voters and spreading lies and false narratives about the security of our elections.

It’s time to make some noise about these issues.

Click here to visit the site and tell your story about how SB1 and other oppressive GOP policies made it more difficult for you to vote.

Let’s remind Mattress Mack and his store-bought GOP cronies that we haven’t forgotten where the real election fraud is coming from!

Read more 



Precinct Chairs: Register for the March CEC

The march CEC will take place Sunday, March 19 at 4 PM via Zoom. The committee will elect a new County Chair at this meeting.

CEC members can register for the meeting here.

A meeting of the HCDP Steering Committee will take place on Feb. 28 to finalize the CEC rules and agenda.


Remember to Sign up for HCDP's Leadership Academy

Do you want to learn the ins and outs of working on a campaign?

There’s still time to apply for HCDP’s leadership academy!

Members will learn about field plans, political messaging, finance, and plenty more while making connections for the future. 

Learn more and apply here.

Volunteer with HCDP!

You can always learn about all of HCDP’s volunteer opportunities, as well as meeting information for Harris County’s Democratic Clubs and Organizations here


If you are already an activist in the community and looking for ways to make an even larger impact, consider applying to become a Democratic precinct chair. Precinct chairs organize their precinct and help activate their friends and neighbors to make real changes within the community. They are the backbone of the party and becoming a precinct chair is a great way to get even more involved with the party. 

Look over the requirements and apply to become a precinct chair here


Precinct Chair Corner

The Q1 CEC will be held on Sunday, March 19 at 4 PM and will be conducted virtually, via Zoom.

Register here.


If you or any chairs you know are not receiving the normal emails for the Blue Report and other party correspondence, please email so we can help resolve the issue.

Help Support HCDP Through Our Membership Program

Work by the Harris County Democratic Party is supported through our membership program

Friend of HCDP - $10 a month
Ally of HCDP - $15 a month
Activist of HCDP - $30 a month
Advocate of HCDP - $60 a month
Champion of HCDP - $125 a month

Sustaining members who donate a regular monthly or annual amount allow us to underwrite our day-to-day operations. This is how we pay our staff. This is how we support Democratic candidates. This is how we fund our voter outreach.


This is how we help elect more Democrats to office.


Join the Model Community Building Block Walk with Swing TX Left!

Join Swing TX Left for a "model" community-building block walk in Cypress. This is a friendly block walk that will provide training on the community-building approach to organizing!

It will take place Saturday, February 25 from 12 - 2 PM.

Learn more and RSVP here

Keep the momentum,